April 19, 2024

Scalar Wave Healing Potential for 2019-nCoV Coronavirus


2/08/2020 Staff Editor

This page explores the possibility of using scalar wave technology to heal the deadly 2019-nCoV Wuhan coronavirus. Because this new virus was first erupted in China, this page was also translated into Chinese for the convenience of our Chinese readers.

本页探讨使用标量波技术治疗致命的2019-nCov武汉冠状病毒的可能性。 因为这种新病毒最早在中国爆发,为了方便我们的中国读者,这一页也顺带翻译成中文。

2019-nCoV Coronavirus, courtesy University of Hong Kong( 武汉冠状病毒, 承蒙香港大学惠允)


In about December 2019, a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV”) was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and continued to spread rapidly from person-to-person . This new virus caused deadly outbreak of respiratory illness throughout all 31 Chinese provinces. As of February 8, 2020, Chinese health officials have reported 37,000 of confirmed infections in China, among which 811 were dead. Confirmed infections with 2019-nCoV outside China, most of them associated with travel from Wuhan, also are being reported in over 27 countries and regions including 12 confirmed cases in the United States while death rate outside China remains low.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. These animal coronaviruses can rarely infect people and spread between people. The only exception are MERSSARS, and now 2019-nCoV.

On January 30, 2020, the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern.” Also on January 31, the President of the United States signed a presidential “Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus.”

No vaccines or antiviral drugs are available for 2019-nCoV coronavirus as of today (Feb 8, 2020).

COVID-19 update on 3/11/2020:

The World Health Organization (WHO) renamed the novel coronavirus 2019-nCOV to COVID-19 on 2/11/2020 to avoid references to specific location, animal species or group of people.

As of March 11, 2020, COVID-19 has infected more than 120,000 people worldwide among those over 4,300 people have died, 66,000 have recovered. In USA, at least 1,000 are infected, among those over 30 people have died. While the spreading inside China has slowed down drastically due to the extreme measures imposed by the Chinese government, the spreading in other countries such as Italy, Iran, and South Korea are escalating at an alarming rate.

COVID-19 update on 5/25/2020:

About two more months have passed since last update, more than 5.3 million cases of Covid-19 have been reported worldwide, among those at least 343,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins University. Cases in the United States have surpassed 1.6 million with nearly 100,000 deaths while many states are struggling to reopen under mounting economic pressure.

World Health Organization declared on Friday May 22 that South America has now become an epicenter of the global coronavirus pandemic, about six months after the new virus emerged on the other side of the world in Wuhan, China. Confirmed cases in Brazil are now approaching 300,000 with nearly 19,000 deaths.

COVID-19 update on 8/10/2020:

Another 2.5 months have passed, the total cases of Covid-19 have have reached nearly 20 millions worldwide, among those at least 730,000 have died, and 12 millions recovered. The United States has now registered more than 5 million cases and 162,000 deaths. The situation appeared to be out of control. Brazil recently passed 3 million cases, India has registered over 2.2 million, Russia is approaching 900,000.


大约始于2019年12月,一种新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)首次在中国湖北省武汉市被发现,并继续在人与人之间迅速传播。这种新病毒在中国31个省引起了致命的呼吸道疾病的爆发。截至2020年2月8日,中国卫生官员已报告中国确诊2019-nCoV 的感染者37000人,其中811人死亡。 在中国境外,现在已经有超过27个国家和地区报告有确诊病例包括美国12例 , 其中大部分与来自武汉的旅行有关。而中国境外的死亡率仍然很低。


2020年1月30日,世界卫生组织国际卫生条例紧急委员会宣布 2019-nCoV 疫情爆发为“国际关注的公共卫生紧急事件”。 2020年1月31日, 美国总统还签署了总统“关于暂停有可能传播2019年新型冠状病毒危险的移民和非移民入境的公告”。

截至今日(2020年2月8日),2019-nCoV 冠状病毒还无疫苗或抗病毒药物可用。

COVID-19最新形势 2020年3月11日:



COVID-19最新形势 2020年5月25日:

自上次更新报告以来,又过了大约两个多月, 据约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University) 的报告 , 全球 Covid-19 病例已超过530万,其中至少34.3万人死亡。美国的病例已经超过160万,死亡人数接近10万,而许多州在日益增长的经济压力下正努力重新开放。


COVID-19最新形势 2020年8月10日 :

又过了2.5个月,全球Covid-19病例总数已达到近2000万,其中至少73万死亡,1200万康复。美国现在已经记录了超过500万病例和162,000例死亡。局势似乎已失控。巴西最近超过了300万例,印度已有220万例,俄罗斯正在接近90万例 。

Scalar Wave Remote Healing Proposal

This is only a proposed remote healing solution for the new 2019-nCoV coronavirus by scalarwavehealing.com. No result or data have ever been reported. Coupling with the fact that scalar wave theory and experiment have not been accepted into the main stream science, the success of this experiment can only be “verified” through patients’ own healing experience.

Illustration of scalar wave remote healing using photos of the patient and the 2019-nCoV coronavirus

Scalar wave energy is everywhere if we know how to connect with it.

In Tesla’s wireless transfer experiment, the transmitter and receiver are 180-deg out of phase. In Dr. Meyl’s replication, human body can act as the second receiver. The phase difference between two receivers is 0-deg. The coronavirus photo on the transmitter is 180-deg out phase with the patient’s photo on the receiver, meaning that the coronavirus will be eradicated from the patient’s body. The patient’s photo on the Tesla receiver and the live person receiver at a remote site are in-phase, so the scalar wave will broadcast the message of eradicating the coronavisus in the patient to the live person anywhere around the globe.

There are two type of scalar waves: the electric scalar waves and magnetic scalar wave. The top of the antenna where the metal ball sits has the strongest electric strength and so exists the electric scalar waves (Tesla Waves). The bottom of the antenna where the pancake coil locates at has the weakest electric strength and so the magnetic strength is at its maximum. This is where the magnetic scalar waves (Meylianas scalar waves) exist. Since the cells in human body communicate with each other by means of magnetic scalar waves, the coronavisus and patient’s photos are placed on the top of the pancake coils.


这还只是一个由scalarwavehealing.com 提议的远程治疗2019年nCoV 新冠状病毒的方案。 还没有任何结果或数据可以报告。再加上标量波理论和实验尚未被主流科学所接受,这一实验的结果只能通过患者自身的成功经验来“验证”。

标量波能量无处不在, 如果我们知道如何与它联络。

在特斯拉的无线传输实验中,发射机和接收机的相位差是180度。在Meyl 博士的复制实验中,人体可以充当第二个接收器。两个接收器之间的相位差为0度。发射器上的冠状病毒照片与接收器上的患者照片相差180度,这意味着冠状病毒将在患者体内被杀死。特斯拉接收器上的病人照片和远程现场的真人接收器是同步的,因此标量波将向位于全球任何地方的真人播送病人体内的冠状病毒被杀死的信息。

标量波有两类:电标量波和磁标量波。金属球所在的天线顶部具有最强的电场强度,因此有电标量波(特斯拉波)。烙饼线圈所在的天线底部具有最弱的电强度,因此磁强度处于最大值。这就是磁标量波( Meylianas 标量波)存在的地方。由于人体内的细胞是通过磁标量波相互沟通的,因此冠状病毒和病人的照片被放置在煎饼线圈上面。